Year-end frolics

tending december 17 2010


This week, in the lead up to Christmas, we were delighted to have a visit from our young friends Isaac and Myles (and their folks, Damien and Kylie).

The tops of our potatoes had begun to die back, which was perfect timing. To keep the youngsters entertained, we pointed them in the direction of the subterranean spuds and watched them go! It’s such fun to rummage around under the soil, discovering a fresh harvest with your fingers. What a great harvest (and it’s only the beginning!)

tending december 17 2010

Damien also discovered the first tomato of the season (which he pinched from Alex’s very lush mini-garden bed).

tending december 17 2010

We had it sliced on fresh bread for lunch.

Soon after lunch, Alex herself arrived, with a cohort of “bull-ladies”. This was a sculpture which has just been exhibited at the Sydney College of the Arts end of year show. It seems that Tending is to become its new home. How odd!

tending december 17 2010

Later, we rediscovered (via our visiting 5 year old) that a hose is not just for watering plants. Here’s Damien, victim of underage hydration torture:

tending december 17 2010

And here’s Damien, torturing us all back, by removing most of his clothing. (In the background you can see that crazy bull in-situ).

damien in the near nude
[Thanks to Lisa for this hilarious photo].

Thanks for a great first six months, Tenders! Happy new year, I leave you with another small harvest for this week, a ‘mini-cabbage’:

tending december 17 2010

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